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2025 Registration Information

Minor League Registration

Online registration for Minor League Baseball will open on January 20, 2025 and end on March 2, 2025. Minor League baseball consists of U10-U14 (typically current 4th - 8th graders).    
Registration needs to be completed in two steps: 
1.   Register online by March 3rd, 2025. 
2.   Attend one of the two uniform sizing / payment dates to finalize your registration   (February 23rd or March 2nd)


A few highlights of what is included in the 2025 participation fee:
  • Full age group and team specific practices (average of two practices per week)
  • League games – Metro Baseball League or South-Central League (average of two games per week)
    • End of year league tournament if team chooses to participate.
  • 2-3 Tournaments in the months of May/June (depending on age). New this year is our 14AA is playing in a tournament in Dyersville, IA (Field of Dreams movie site). 
  • State tournament (July) if team qualifies
  • Uniform (two jerseys, pants, belt & hat) 
Projected 2025 Minor League Teams (U10 – U14):
OHBC has registered for the following teams (league play and tournaments) for the 2025 season:
  • U10A, U10AA
  • U11A Blue, U11A White, U11AA
  • U12A, U12AA
  • U13A, U13AA
  • U14/15A, U14AA
All teams will participate in the Metro Baseball League (MBL) except the 10A team who will participate in the South Central Baseball League (SCBL).  All teams will be placed in their respective A or AA level tournaments and all teams will be eligible to qualify for a state tournament bid.  Please note that the number of teams and details could change once registration is complete.
OHBC is continuously looking at ways to make the experience the best it can be for all players, families and coaches.  Roster sizes are an important factor that will be considered to make the experience the best it can be.  Please note that depending on registration numbers, there may be players that are not placed on a travel OHBC team.  If this situation presents itself, OHBC will work with families on refunds and playing options.
Age Rules (mandated by MBL):
  • The player age cutoff date is May 1st. Players in their respective age groups must not reach the next age prior to May 1st. For example, a player who turns 13 on April 30 is eligible to play at the 13U level, but not the 12U level. A player who turns 13 on May 1st is eligible to play at the 12U level.
  • A player’s grade level is not applicable in determining age group eligibility.  There are situations when a player has to play above their grade level due to their birthdate.
  • U10: All 4th graders that meet age qualifications (Born on or after May 1, 2014).
  • U11: All 5th graders that meet age qualifications (Born on or after May 1, 2013).
  • U12: All 6th graders that meet age qualifications (Born on or after May 1, 2012).
  • U13: All 7th graders that meet age qualifications (Born on or after May 1, 2011).
  • U14: All 8th graders that meet age qualifications (Born on or after May 1, 2010).
Uniform Sizing and Payments:
We are offering two dates for players to try on uniforms, issue payments/deposits and pick up raffle tickets.  These dates are Sunday, February 23rd and Sunday, March 2nd.  Both opportunities will be from 6-7:30PM at the Owatonna High School (enter athletic doors).  Players will not be allowed to participate in any activities until all fees and deposits have been paid.  You will have an opportunity to pay the registration fee online but can also pay via check at one of the try on dates along with your worker deposit and raffle payments. 
Evaluations for all teams (U10-U14) will be held on March 22nd or 23rd to determine OHBC AA and A teams.  U10-U12 will be on Saturday, March 22nd and U13-U14 will be on Sunday, March 23rd.  All sessions will be held at the Owatonna High School.
Saturday, March 22:   
  • U10: 10:00 am -12:00 pm
  • U11: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • U12: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sunday, March 23:
  • U13: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
  • U14: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Additional details can be found on the evaluations page. 
Due to continued increased city fees and prioritizing keeping our registration fees affordable, we are requiring 6 dibs hours per player with a family maximum of 15 hours. The worker deposit is $300 per player with a family max of $900. Reminder that this check is not cashed unless you don’t fulfill your volunteer hours. Parents will need to complete the Volunteer Commitment form designating which option they prefer (see attached form on this page). Please print, complete, and bring this form to one of the uniform sizing/registration dates. Volunteer  opportunities include:
  • Concession stands for events
  • Field maintenance
  • Park clean-up 
  • Team Managers
  • Other future fundraising possibilities to keep baseball affordable for our players
Additional Registration Details:
  • Register online by clicking the link above or below this text. 
  • Register online prior to uniform sizing / payment nights. 
  • At uniform sizing nights, separate checks (made out to Huskies Bullpen Club) are needed for:
    • Participation fee
    • Fundraising - Raffle Tickets:
    • Worker Deposit - $300 per player with a family max of $900
    • Payments can also be mailed to the Huskies Bullpen Club (PO Box 96, Owatonna, MN 55060)

Must be signed in to register.  Link will not be active unless you sign in



Owatonna Parks & Recreation will be running Little League with the assistance from the Huskies Bullpen Club. Look for additional details and announcements from Owatonna Parks & Rec.  Below is a brief overview of what to expect of the Little League program.
  • T-Ball - 5 year-olds and Kindergartners
  • Mini Sluggers (coach pitch) - Kindergartners (who played one year of t-ball) and first grade
  • Machine Pitch (Current 2nd Graders) Program Information: Pitching machine league with emphasis on participation and development of fundamental baseball skills along with an introduction to pitching and situational baseball. Practices and Games – Monday and Wednesday (June and July).
  • Player Pitch (Current 3rd & non U10 travel 4th Graders) Program Information: Players will pitch at this level. This is intended to prepare kids for traveling baseball as well as continuing the development of fundamentals and the skills of the game. Practices and Games – Tuesday and Thursday (June and July). 

*The Huskies Bullpen Club encourages all 4th graders to try out for U10  traveling baseball to further skill development through more practices and gameplay.

Volunteer Commitment/DIBS

Check out our Volunteer Commitment form. Please print, complete, and bring to one of the uniform sizing/registration dates (February 23rd or  March 2nd).

Major League Registration (Grades 9-12)

Contact OHS coach Tate Cummins at